Urban Aerie

By: DogTrekker Staff

Everyone who comes to San Francisco (or lives here) catches a glimpse of the deep green hill topped by a 103-foot-cross that serves as a kind of subliminal city landmark. But while many seek out the views at neighboring Twin Peaks, relatively few bother to work their way to the top of Mount Davidson, whose 938-foot summit is the highest point in a city said to be built on 44 hills. The very top of the hill is privately owned, but the surrounding 38 acres comprise a woodsy public park laced with a web of trails. The views are predictably amazing on bluebird days, but there’s also something to be said for the eerie experience of walking through a eucalyptus forest in the gauze of a foggy day. Visitors with aerobic inclinations can Stairmaster their way up and down the many courses of stone and wooden steps to be found in the vicinity. Buddy will have to remain on a leash, but you’ll both be invigorated by your visit to this urban aerie.


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