Paso Nogal Open Space and Dog Park

Paso Nogal Open Space and Dog Park

Paso Nogal Park is designated as open space featuring approximately 63 acres of scenic hiking trails (dogs on leash welcome), small picnic areas and two fenced dog exercise areas (2.5 acres): one for dogs under 25 pounds and the other for larger dogs.

There are 8 entrances to Paso Nogal Park and open space. The main entrance is located on Paso Nogal Road. Others are Kiki Road, Boies Drive, Gail Drive, Odin Drive, Morello Avenue, and Paso Nogal Court.

The park and open space area is generally bounded by Taylor Boulevard to the south, Morello Avenue to the East, and Paso Nogal Road to the North.

Dogs must be on a leash AT ALL TIMES when outside of the fenced-in off-leash dog park area. This policy includes open space hiking trails. Please respect others on the trails who may or may not like a friendly (or not-so-friendly) greeting from your canine company.

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Website by Brandhound