Cleveland National Forest

Cleveland National Forest

On July 1st, 1908 President Theodore Roosevelt signed a declaration that created the Cleveland National Forest. Now, more than 100 years later, the Cleveland National Forest provides habitat for native wildlife, as well as a natural refuge and playground for many of the 3 million plus residents in the greater San Diego area.

The best season for hiking is during the cooler fall, winter, and spring months. Many trails travel through the open chapparal and get very hot in the summer. Summer hiking should be done in early morning hours on designated trails that offer shade.

The most important thing to remember to bring is water. You should not drink from springs, rivers, or lakes without treating the water first. Human and animal waste can contaminate water in the wild and make you sick.

Poison oak is found along most trails. Stay on the trail! Ticks can be a problem in the spring and early summer.

Guides may be purchased at your local bookstore. Information on specific trails in Cleveland National Forest can be obtained at local ranger stations. The Cleveland National Forest Map shows most of the trails and back roads.

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Website by Brandhound