Big River Trail

Big River Trail

In 2002, Mendocino Land Trust completed the purchase and transfer of 7,334 acres around Big River to California State Parks. This includes a wonderful beach and haul road that travels about 10 miles east to connect Big River Beach with Mendocino Woodlands State Park.

Much of this haul road is multi-use and available to equestrians, bikers, hikers, runners, and people in wheelchairs. Along its length, there are lovely views of Big River estuary, which hosts birds, seals, otters, and other wildlife.

Big River Trail is a wonderful trail where you can walk side-by-side with friends and family, including dogs, enjoying the quiet beauty of the Mendocino Coast.

Getting there:

Coming from Mendocino turn left just before Highway 1 crosses the bridge over Big River. The road slopes down to a large dirt parking lot. If you are looking for quick access to the beach, turn right at the bottom of the hill but if you want to park close to the trailhead, go left and follow the dirt road upriver until you reach the restrooms.

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