Carson Pass Information Station

Carson Pass Information Station

The rugged Carson Pass area is one of Northern California’s premier alpine hiking regions in summer and a popular back-country skiing area in winter.

The Carson Pass Information Station at the summit on Highway 88 is open Memorial Day to Labor Day. A day-use fee is charged for parking in the lot there or a larger lot and equestrian staging area across the road.

The Pacific Crest Trail is the main artery here, and the five miles on either side of the highway are heavily used in summer. Many trails branch off into the Meiss Country Roadless Area on the north side of 88 and the Mokulemne Wilderness to the south.

Contact Information for Carson Pass Station:
From June- September: the station phone is 209-258-8606
• Through out the year: Call Amador Ranger Station 209-295-5996
• Station manager: 209-304-0892

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