One Of a Kind

By: DogTrekker Staff


Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, but she’s also one of kind. She spent her first 10 years with a family, giving them all her love. But when the family moved, they took the furniture and locked the doors, leaving her behind. Sadie was all alone, heartsick and starving.

When authorities finally came by, all that was in the house was Sadie and an empty box of oatmeal. It was clear she had been abandoned for weeks. She should have weighed 60 pounds, but had dropped to a skin-and-bones 28.  

When Muttville Senior Dog Rescue heard about this sad girl and knew no one was coming back for her, they gladly took her in.

Sadie went right to the vet and started a gentle feeding program to put weight back on without overwhelming her system. For the first few days, this soulful mutt was so devoted that she pined away for her former family. She needed some time to trust the world again.

It didn't take long. Soon her jutting ribs filled out with fur and her healing spirit came twinkling through. You could actually see a sparkle in her eyes and a slow wag in her tail! It took less than a week on before she had suitors who wanted to meet and love her.

Sadie has a new family now, one that would never leave her behind, one that sends Muttville sweet photos updating on us her great personality. She loves to go hiking with the family’s other dog, Sadie's new best friend. Sadie's new person, Kelly, reports that Sadie is up to 51 pounds!

Muttville has more than 50 senior dogs looking for forever homes, all with good manners and grateful hearts. Find your match at
– Patty Stanton for Muttville


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