Family Dog Rescue

By: DogTrekker Staff
Dog on beach with ring toy in background

Not so long ago, the soulful Felipe was trying to survive on the streets of Tijuana. His quick wits and friendly personality served him well, but by the time he crossed paths with Family Dog Rescue, he was starving and hairless. Shortly after arriving in San Francisco, Felipe’s life took a big turn for the better when an FDR foster family took him in, nursed him back to health (and hair!), and nurtured his love of people.

Angela Padilla founded Family Dog in 2010, responding to frustrated families who were unable to adopt shelter dogs. The organization cares for dogs like Felipe until their perfect family comes along, working hard to ensure a great match so that it’s a lifelong relationship. Its mission: To rescue all types of dogs (regardless of size, breed, background or disability), while creating a healthier, happier human and canine community.

Recently, Family Dog expanded its community outreach to provide a spay/neuter clinic to the under-served communities where they acquire most of their shelter residents. The clinic, which offers the spay/neuter procedure along with vaccinations and flea and tick treatments, also offers owner education in the humane treatment of companion animals.

Launched as a pilot program in the Central Valley earlier this year, the clinics were so successful that Family Dog is making it an ongoing project. “We don’t just want to help homeless dogs,” says founder Padilla, who was recently honored with a Jefferson Award for Public Service for her work. “We want to end the homelessness in the first place by reducing unnecessary breeding.” First funded with a seed grant in honor of Padilla’s 50th birthday, the clinics are expanding, and FDR is actively seeking both donations and partnerships with local groups and veterinarians.

Photo courtesy: Family Dog Rescue


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